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Nov. 3, 2023



Psalm 139:14 - I will praise thee; for I am fearfully and wonderfully made: marvellous are thy works; and that my soul knoweth right well. 


We are living in a day where so many people are trying to be something that they are not. It confuses me because why would you do that when God made you so unique, original, beautiful and powerful!


You are so unique and very privileged. No one in this entire world can be you! You were made to be “original." You were made in his image and in his likeness. So why are so many people trying to be like other people?? It’s like putting on clothes that don’t fit. 


There is nothing wrong with admiring someone. There is nothing wrong with being inspired by someone. But I want to encourage you to “Be Yourself.”


There is something about you that this world needs. If it weren’t so you wouldn’t be created. You would not exist. Purpose is attached to your life. You are not suppose to be anyone else BUT yourself. 


Your greatest journey will happen when you start being you. When you tap into yourself, and your potential you will find out things about you that you didn’t know were there. It’s like being on a treasure hunt. I guarantee when you truly embrace the person God intended for you to be, and you nurture yourself, value yourself, build yourself, you would walk in true happiness!


Checked out our episode "Be Yourself" I know it's going to bless you!


Till Next Time,